PoemThe World Is Too Much With Us
Author / PoetWilliam Wordsworth
TagsDisconnection, Longing, Materialism, Nature

The world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers:
Little we see in Nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!
This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon;
The winds that will be howling at all hours,
And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers;
For this, for everything, we are out of tune,
It moves us not.—Great God! I’d rather be
A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;
So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,
Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;
Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;
Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.

William Wordsworth
William Wordsworth
7 Apr 1770 - 23 Apr 1850
Region: British, Northern Europe
Period: Romantic
Movement: Romanticism

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Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802Calm, City, Morning

all poems by William Wordsworth

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