PoemA Nativity
Author / PoetWilliam Butler Yeats

WHAT woman hugs her infant there?
Another star has shot an ear.

What made the drapery glisten so?
Not a man but Delacroix.

What made the ceiling waterproof?
Landor’s tarpaulin on the roof

What brushes fly and moth aside?
Irving and his plume of pride.

What hurries out the knaye and dolt?
Talma and his thunderbolt.

Why is the woman terror-struck?
Can there be mercy in that look?

William Butler Yeats
William Butler Yeats
13 Jun 1865 - 28 Jan 1939
Region: Irish, Northern Europe
Period: Modernist
Movement: Irish Literary Revival, Symbolism
Awards: Nobel Prize in Literature

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The MermaidHappiness, Lovers, Mermaid
The Secrets Of The OldOld, Young
The Stolen ChildChild, Stolen
The Wild Swans At CooleBeauty, Twilight, Wing

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