PoemLove In The Guise Of Friendship
Author / PoetRobert Burns
TagsDenial, Friendship, Love, Pain

Talk not of love, it gives me pain,
For love has been my foe;
He bound me in an iron chain,
And plung’d me deep in woe.

But friendship’s pure and lasting joys,
My heart was form’d to prove;
There, welcome win and wear the prize,
But never talk of love.

Your friendship much can make me blest,
O why that bliss destroy?
Why urge the only, one request
You know I will deny?

Your thought, if Love must harbour there,
Conceal it in that thought;
Nor cause me from my bosom tear
The very friend I sought.

Robert Burns
Robert Burns
25 Jan 1759 - 21 Jul 1796
Region: Western Europe
Period: Romantic
Movement: Romanticism

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