PoemGoing Blind
Author / PoetRainer Maria Rilke
TagsAcceptance, Blind, Loss

She sat just like the others at the table.
But on second glance, she seemed to hold her cup
a little differently as she picked it up.
She smiled once. It was almost painful.

And when they finished and it was time to stand
and slowly, as chance selected them, they left
and moved through many rooms (they talked and laughed),
I saw her. She was moving far behind

the others, absorbed, like someone who will soon
have to sing before a large assembly;
upon her eyes, which were radiant with joy,
light played as on the surface of a pool.

She followed slowly, taking a long time,
as though there were some obstacle in the way;
and yet: as though, once it was overcome,
she would be beyond all walking, and would fly.

Rainer Maria Rilke
Rainer Maria Rilke
4 Dec 1875 - 29 Dec 1926
Movement: Modernism

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A SybilCave, Hollow
Autumn DayAutumn, Summer
A WalkHill, Love
Before Summer RainNature
Extinguish Thou My EyesBond, Nature, Spirit
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God Speaks To Each Of UsExperience, Joyful, Painful
FalconryPrince, Responsibility
Behind The Blameless TreesImaginary, Tree, Warning
LonelinessGarden, Loneliness

all poems by Rainer Maria Rilke

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