PoemBehind The Blameless Trees
Author / PoetRainer Maria Rilke
TagsImaginary, Tree, Warning, Wrinkles

Behind the blameless trees
old fate slowly builds
her mute countenance.
Wrinkles grow there . . .
What a bird shrieks here
springs there like a gasp of warning
from a soothsayer’s hard mouth.

And the soon-to-be lovers
smile on each other, not yet knowing farewell,
and round about them, like a constellation,
their destiny casts
its nightly spell.
Still to come, it does not reach out to them,
it remains
a phantom
floating in its heavenly course.

Rainer Maria Rilke
Rainer Maria Rilke
4 Dec 1875 - 29 Dec 1926
Movement: Modernism

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