PoemBefore Summer Rain
Author / PoetRainer Maria Rilke

Suddenly, from all the green around you,
something-you don’t know what-has disappeared;
you feel it creeping closer to the window,
in total silence. From the nearby wood

you hear the urgent whistling of a plover,
reminding you of someone’s Saint Jerome:
so much solitude and passion come
from that one voice, whose fierce request the downpour

will grant. The walls, with their ancient portraits, glide
away from us, cautiously, as though
they weren’t supposed to hear what we are saying.

And reflected on the faded tapestries now;
the chill, uncertain sunlight of those long
childhood hours when you were so afraid.

Rainer Maria Rilke
Rainer Maria Rilke
4 Dec 1875 - 29 Dec 1926
Movement: Modernism

more poems by Rainer Maria Rilke

Poem NameTopic
A SybilCave, Hollow
Autumn DayAutumn, Summer
A WalkHill, Love
Extinguish Thou My EyesBond, Nature, Spirit
Early SpringNature
Going BlindAcceptance, Blind, Loss
God Speaks To Each Of UsExperience, Joyful, Painful
FalconryPrince, Responsibility
Behind The Blameless TreesImaginary, Tree, Warning
LonelinessGarden, Loneliness

all poems by Rainer Maria Rilke

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