Author / PoetPablo Neruda
TagsLove, Potter, River

Your whole body has
a fullness or a gentleness destined for me.

When I move my hand up
I find in each place a dove
that was seeking me, as
if they had, love, made you of clay
for my own potter’s hands.

Your knees, your breasts,
your waist
are missing parts of me like the hollow
of a thirsty earth
from which they broke off
a form,
and together
we are complete like a single river,
like a single grain of sand.

Pablo Neruda
Pablo Neruda
12 Jul 1904 - 23 Sep 1973
Region: South America
Period: Modernist
Movement: Modernism, Surrealism
Awards: International Peace Prize, Nobel Prize in Literature, Stalin Peace Prize

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