PoemGlory Falls
Author / PoetMaya Angelou
TagsCloud, Cross, Floor, Neck

Glory falls around us
as we sob
a dirge of
desolation on the Cross
and hatred is the ballast of
the rock
which his upon our necks
and underfoot.
We have woven
robes of silk
and clothed our nakedness
with tapestry.
From crawling on this
murky planet’s floor
we soar beyond the
birds and
through the clouds
and edge our waays from hate
and blind despair and
bring horror
to our brothers, and to our sisters cheer.
We grow despite the
horror that we feed
upon our own
We grow.

Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou
4 Apr 1928 - 28 May 2014
Region: North America
Period: Contemporary
Movement: Black Arts Movement
Awards: Grammy Awards, National Medal of Arts, Presidential Medal of Freedom

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We Had HimMoon, Style, Summer
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These Yet To Be United StatesAnger, Curse, Fear
Son to MotherIgnorance, Land, Soul

all poems by Maya Angelou

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