PoemAbode Of The Beloved
Author / PoetKabir

Oh Companion That Abode Is Unmatched,
Where My Complete Beloved Is.

In that Place There Is No Happiness or Unhappiness,
No Truth or Untruth
Neither Sin Nor Virtue.
There Is No Day or Night, No Moon or Sun,
There Is Radiance Without Light.

There Is No Knowledge or Meditation
No Repetition of Mantra or Austerities,
Neither Speech Coming From Vedas or Books.
Doing, Not-Doing, Holding, Leaving
All These Are All Lost Too In This Place.

No Home, No Homeless, Neither Outside or Inside,
Micro and Macrocosm Are Non-Existent.
Five Elemental Constituents and the Trinity Are Both Not There
Witnessing Un-struck Shabad Sound is Also Not There.

No Root or Flower, Neither Branch or Seed,
Without a Tree Fruits are Adorning,
Primordial Om Sound, Breath-Synchronized Soham,
This and That – All Are Absent, The Breath Too Unknown

Where the Beloved Is There is Utterly Nothing
Says Kabir I Have Come To Realize.
Whoever Sees My Indicative Sign
Will Accomplish the Goal of Liberation.
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Analysis (ai): This poem is distinguished by its enigmatic and profound exploration of the nature of existence and the ultimate abode of the divine. Unlike other works of the same period that focus on external actions and rituals, “Abode Of The Beloved” delves into an introspective and meditative realm. The poem suggests a transcendent state where duality and the conventional measures of time, space, and action dissolve. It emphasizes the futility of seeking enlightenment through knowledge, practices, or external manifestations. Instead, it points to a direct and immediate experience of the divine within oneself, beyond the limitations of language and sensory perception.

8 Jun 1398
Region: Southern Asia
Movement: Bhakti Movement

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