PoemThe Colchics
Author / PoetGuillaume Apollinaire
TagsAutumn, Colchique, Meadow, Poisonous

The meadow is poisonous but pretty in the fall
The cows grazing there
Slowly poison themselves
Colchique color of ring and lilac
Y flowers your eyes are like this flower
Purplish like their ring and like this autumn
And my life for your eyes is slowly poisoned

The school children come with a bang
Dressed in hiccups and playing the harmonica
They pick the colchiques which are like mothers
Daughters of their daughters and are the color of your eyelids
That beat like flowers beat in the crazy wind

The herdsman sings softly
As slow and mooing cows give up
Forever this great meadow badly flowered by autumn

Guillaume Apollinaire
Guillaume Apollinaire
26 Aug 1880 - 9 Nov 1918
Region: Western Europe
Period: Modernist
Movement: Surrealism

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