PoemSpring is like a perhaps hand
Author / PoetE. E. Cummings
TagsIntimacy, Rebellion, Refinement, Youth

Spring is like a perhaps hand
(which comes carefully
out of Nowhere)arranging
a window,into which people look(while
people stare
arranging and changing placing
carefully there a strange
thing and a known thing here)and

changing everything carefully

spring is like a perhaps
Hand in a window
(carefully to
and fro moving New and
Old things,while
people stare carefully
moving a perhaps
fraction of flower here placing
an inch of air there)and

without breaking anything.

E. E. Cummings
E. E. Cummings
14 Oct 1894 - 3 Sep 1962
Region: Central America
Period: Modernist
Movement: Modernism
Awards: Bollingen Prize, National Book Award

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