PoemSonnet: Beauty Of Her Face
Author / PoetDante Alighieri
TagsAdmiration, Beauty, Grace, Love

For certain he hath seen all perfectness
Who among other ladies hath seen mine:
They that go with her humbly should combine
To thank their God for such peculiar grace.
So perfect is the beauty of her face
That it begets in no wise any sigh
Of envy, but draws round her a clear line
Of love, and blessed faith, and gentleness.
Merely the sight of her makes all things bow:
Not she herself alone is holier
Than all; but hers, through her, are raised above.
From all her acts such lovely graces flow
That truly one may never think of her
Without a passion of exceeding love.

Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri
- 14 Sep 1321
Region: Western Europe
Period: Medieval
Movement: Dolce Stil Novo

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