Walter Whitman

Born May 31, 1819
West Hills, New York, USA
Died March 26, 1892 (Aged years)
Camden, New Jersey, USA
Region North America
Language English
Profession Journalist, Poet
Period Romantic
Movements Realism
Notable Works Leaves of Grass, Drum-Taps, Song of Myself
Politics Democratic
12A child said, What is the grass?Death, Graves, Old, Young
11A Clear MidnightNight, Soul, Wordless
10A Leaf For Hand In HandBoatmen, Mechanics, Mississippi, Processions
9A Noiseless Patient SpiderConnection, Filament, Soul, Spider
8Had I the ChoiceShakespeare, Tennyson, Verse, Wave
7I Am He That Aches With LoveAttraction, Body, Love, Matter
6I Hear America SingingAmerica, Carols, Mechanics, Singing
5I Sit And Look OutOppression, Remorse, Sorrow, Tyranny
4O Captain! My Captain!Captain, Mourning, Ship, Victory
3O Hymen! O Hymenee!Hymen, Moment, Sting, Tantalize
2Song of MyselfIdentity, Nature, Perception, Self
1When I Heard the Learn’d AstronomerAstronomer, Lecture, Proofs, Stars