Robert Burns

Born January 25, 1759
Alloway, Ayrshire, Scotland
Died July 21, 1796 (Aged years)
Dumfries, Scotland
Region Western Europe
Language English
Profession Lyricist, Poet
Education No Formal Education
Period Romantic
Movements Romanticism
Notable Works Auld Lang Syne, Tam o' Shanter, To a Mouse, A Red, Red Rose, The Battle of Sherramuir
Politics Progressive
Bio Robert Burns, known as the national poet of Scotland, was a key figure in the Romantic movement and is widely celebrated for his contributions to Scottish culture and literature. He wrote in both Scots and English, with his works often focusing on themes of love, nature, and the struggles of the common man.
11A Man’s A Man For A’ ThatHonesty, Independence, Poverty
10A Red, Red RoseFarewell, Love, Rose, Seas
9Ae Fond KissFarewell, Heartbroken, Love, Tears
8Ae Fond Kiss (Another Version)Farewell, Heartbroken, Love, Tears
7Afton WaterAfton, Mary, River, Stream
6Comin Thro’ The RyeBody, Kiss, Love
5Love In The Guise Of FriendshipDenial, Friendship, Love, Pain
4My Eppie MacnabEppie, Forgotten, Jock, Laird
3My Spouse NancyHusband, Nancy, Obedience, Spouse
2The Muckin’ O’ Geordie’s ByreByre, Chaos, Geordie, Mucking
1To A MouseForesight, Nature, Panic, Ruin