George Gordon Byron

Born January 22, 1788
London, England
Died April 19, 1824 (Aged years)
Missolonghi, Greece
Region Northern Europe
Language English
Profession Poet, Politician
Period Romantic
Movements Romanticism
Notable Works Don Juan (1819–1824), Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (1812–1818), She Walks in Beauty (1814)
Politics Liberal
Bio George Gordon Byron, known as Lord Byron, was a leading figure in the Romantic movement and one of the most iconic and influential poets of the 19th century. His work is renowned for its beauty, emotional depth, and exploration of the human condition. Byron's life was as dramatic and turbulent as his poetry; he was known for his passionate affairs, political activism, and flamboyant lifestyle.
17Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage: A Romaunt. Canto III.Destiny, Hope, Nature, Parting
16Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage: A Romaunt. Canto IV.Decline, History, Majesty, Venice
15DarknessCatastrophe, Darkness, Desolation, Despair
14English Bards and Scotch Reviewers: A SatireCriticism, Poetry, Satire, Self-Reflection
13I Speak Not, I Trace Not, I Breathe Not Thy NameLove, Regret, Separation, Silence
12Maid Of Athens, Ere We PartDeparture, Longing, Love, Memory
11PrometheusResistance, Silence, Suffering, Titan
10Remember Thee! Remember Thee!Betrayal, Guilt, Remembrance, Remorse
9She Walks In BeautyBeauty, Grace, Innocence, Light
8So We’ll Go No More A-RovingLove, Night, Rest, Time
7The Dark, Blue SeaInfinity, Mortality, Nature, Solitude
6The Destruction Of SennacheribDeath, Destruction, Ruin, War
5The Eve Of WaterlooAlarm, Celebration, Tragedy, War
4The Prisoner Of ChillonImprisonment, Liberty, Martyrdom, Sonnet
3There Is Pleasure In The Pathless WoodsNature, Rapture, Solitude, Universe