Gibran Khalil Gibran

Born January 6, 1883
Bsharri, Mount Lebanon Mutasarrifate, Ottoman Empire
Died April 10, 1931 (Aged years)
New York City, United States
Region Middle East
Language Arabic
Profession Philosopher, Writer
Period Modernist
Movements Mahjar
Notable Works The Prophet (1923), The Madman (1918), Sand and Foam (1926), Broken Wings
Bio Kahlil Gibran was a Lebanese-American poet, writer, and artist whose literary and artistic works have transcended cultural and linguistic boundaries. Best known for his book The Prophet, a collection of poetic essays, Gibran's work delves into themes of love, spirituality, and the human experience.
24A Lover’s Call XXVIILife, Love
23A Tear And A SmileConnection, Joy, Understanding
22A Visit From WisdomComfort, Reflection, Truth, Wisdom
21AmbitionCelebration, Dream, Generosity, Tavern
20Beauty XXVBeauty, Guide, Passionate, Weary
19Children Chapter IVChildren, Life, Love, Tomorrow
18DefeatCourage, Defeat, Resilience, Solitude
17Friendship IXXFriendship, Peace, Trust, Understanding
16Joy And Sorrow Chapter VIIIJoy, Laughter, Sorrow, Tears
15Laughter And Tears IXLove, Nature, Silence, Stars
14Love Chapter IIDevotion, Love, Sacrifice, Trust
13Love is a Magic RayDream, Love, Magic, Perception
12Love One AnotherAlone, Love, Shadow, Souls
11Marriage Chapter IIILove, Marriage, Space, Unity
10Of LoveSoulfulGibran