Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Born December 10, 1830
Amherst, Massachusetts, USA
Died May 15, 1886 (Aged years)
Amherst, Massachusetts, USA
Region Central America
Language English
Profession Poet
Education Mount Holyoke Female Seminary
Period Victorian
Movements Romanticism
Notable Works Because I could not stop for Death, I heard a Fly buzz—when I died
Bio Emily Dickinson is one of America’s most celebrated poets, known for her unconventional style and introspective themes. She lived much of her life in seclusion, and only a few of her nearly 1,800 poems were published during her lifetime.
11‘Twas just this time, last year, I diedDie
10‘Twas like a Maelstrom, with a notchAgony, Broke, Dream, Lost
9‘Twas Love — not meGuilt, Justice, Love
8‘Twas such a little – little boatBoat, Journey, Lost, Sea
7‘Twas the old — road — through painHeaven, Pain, Road
6‘Twas warm – at first – like UsStone, Warm
5‘Twould ease — a ButterflyButterfly, Divinity, Eternity
4“Heaven” has different Signs—to me—Heaven, Symbol, World
3“Why Do I Love” You, Sir?Love, Wisdom
2Because I could not stop for Death – (479)
1Hope Is The Thing With FeathersHope, Soul