Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Born March 6, 1806
Coxhoe Hall, Durham, England
Died June 29, 1861 (Aged years)
Florence, Italy
Region Northern Europe
Language English
Profession Poet
Period Victorian
Notable Works Sonnets from the Portuguese, Aurora Leigh, The Cry of the Children
6Sonnet XLIII: How Do I Love Thee?Classic, Emotional, Eternal, Romantic
5Sonnet XXII: When Our Two Souls Stand UpAspiration, Contentment, Love, Silence
4SubstitutionFaith, Grief, Silence, Solace
3The AutumnAutumn, Nostalgic, Reflective, Transient
2The House Of CloudsArchitecture, Dreams, Imagination, Love
1The Sweetness Of EnglandLandscape, Pastoral, Reflective, Tranquil