Edna St. Vincent Millay

Born February 22, 1892
Rockland, Maine, USA
Died October 19, 1950 (Aged years)
Austerlitz, New York, USA
Region North America
Language English
Profession Playwright, Poet
Education Vassar College
Period Modernist
Movements Modernism
Notable Works A Few Figs from Thistles (1920), The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver (1922), Renascence and Other Poems (1917)
Awards Pulitzer Prize for Poetry
Politics Progressive
Bio Edna St. Vincent Millay was an American poet and playwright known for her lyrical poetry and bohemian lifestyle. She gained fame with her first collection, Renascence and Other Poems, and won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1923. Millay was also known for her involvement in social issues and her advocacy for women's rights. Her work often explored themes of love, nature, and individualism.
12An Ancient GestureTears, Tradition, Weaving
11Apostrophe To ManDestruction, Humanity, Irony, War
10Counting-Out RhymeBark, Maple, Willow, Wood
9First FigDuality, Ephemeral, Light, Resilience
8I Know I Am But Summer To Your HeartLove, Return, Seasons, Summer
7I, Being Born A Woman And DistressedConflict, Desire, Reason, Sensuality
6If I Should Learn, In Some Quite Casual WayCasual, Indifference, Loss, Routine
5RecuerdoFerry, Generosity, Merriment, Tiredness
4RenascenceAwakening, Boundaries, Infinity, Transcendence
3Second FigContrast, Ephemeral, Impermanence, Symbolism
2Time Does Not Bring ReliefGrief, Loss, Memory, Time
1To A Friend Estranged From MeFriendship, Pride, Sun, Wisdom