Alfred Lord Tennyson

Born August 5, 1809
Somersby, Lincolnshire, England
Died October 6, 1892 (Aged years)
Lurgashall, Sussex, England
Region Northern Europe
Language English
Profession Poet, Poet Laureate
Education University of Cambridge
Period Romantic
Notable Works In Memoriam A.H.H., The Charge of the Light Brigade, Ulysses
Bio Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson, was a prominent English poet and Poet Laureate during Queen Victoria's reign. His 1830 collection, Poems, Chiefly Lyrical, featured celebrated works like "Claribel" and "Mariana." Known for its medieval themes and vivid imagery, Tennyson's poetry significantly influenced the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.
20A FarewellFarewell, Loss, Sea
19After-ThoughtDie, Eye
18All Things will DieDie, Failing, Sky, Wind
17AmphionLife, Nature, Woodland
16Break, break, breakBreak, Love, Sea
15By an EvolutionistEvolution, lord, Soul
14ClaribelAgony, Alone, Die
13Come down, O MaidFall, Height, Hill, Mountain
12Early SpringDivine, Heaven, Love, Spring
11Enoch ArdenChildhood, Friend, Love
10Epitaph on General GordonFoe, God
9Far-Far-AwayBirth, Earth, Live, Music
8Hark! The Dogs Howl!Emotional, Grief, Loss, Spiritual
6Home They Brought Her Warrior DeadDead, Foe, Tear, Warrior