Adrienne Rich

Born May 16, 1929
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Died March 27, 2012 (Aged years)
Santa Cruz, California, USA
Region North America
Language English
Profession Essayist, Poet
Education Radcliffe College
Period Contemporary
Movements Feminist
Notable Works Diving into the Wreck (1973), The Dream of a Common Language (1978), A Change of World (1951)
Awards National Book Award
Pulitzer Prize for Poetry
Bio Adrienne Rich was a prominent American poet and essayist whose work often dealt with themes of feminism, identity, and social justice. Her poetry is known for its emotional depth and political engagement. Rich’s contributions to literature and activism have made her a significant voice in contemporary literature, influencing discussions on gender, politics, and society.
3Twenty-One Love Poems XVIIIEstrangement, Love, Miracle, Solitude
2Twenty-One Love Poems XXConversation, Love, Reflection, Secrets
1Twenty-One Love Poems XXIChoice, Identity, Light, Solitude