PoemSome Kind of Love, Some Say
Author / PoetMaya Angelou
TagsHurt, Love, Nature

Some Kind of love, Some Say
Is it true the ribs can tell
The kick of a beast from a
Lover’s fist? The bruised
Bones recorded well
The sudden shock, the
Hard impact. Then swollen lids,
Sorry eyes, spoke not
Of lost romance, but hurt.
Hate often is confused. Its
Limits are in zones beyond itself. And
Sadists will not learn that
Love, by nature, exacts a pain
Unequalled on the rack.

Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou
4 Apr 1928 - 28 May 2014
Region: North America
Period: Contemporary
Movement: Black Arts Movement
Awards: Grammy Awards, National Medal of Arts, Presidential Medal of Freedom

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