Poemin time of daffodils(who know
Author / PoetE. E. Cummings
TagsDaffodils, Lilacs, Memory, Roses

in time of daffodils(who know
the goal of living is to grow)
forgetting why,remember how

in time of lilacs who proclaim
the aim of waking is to dream,
remember so(forgetting seem)

in time of roses(who amaze
our now and here with paradise)
forgetting if,remember yes

in time of all sweet things beyond
whatever mind may comprehend,
remember seek(forgetting find)

and in a mystery to be
(when time from time shall set us free)
forgetting me,remember me

E. E. Cummings
E. E. Cummings
14 Oct 1894 - 3 Sep 1962
Region: Central America
Period: Modernist
Movement: Modernism
Awards: Bollingen Prize, National Book Award

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